Styczeń / 2018
Listopad / 2017

"Salt of the Black Earth", film directed by Kazimierz Kutz, thanks to the Studio Filmowe Kadr, Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej (Polish Film Institute), Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego (Ministry of Culture and National Heritage) and Instytucja Filmowa SILESIA FILM has been digitally restored!

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Wrzesień / 2017
"Does he still remember me?" - Eugenia was nervous.
"Will I recognize her?" - Alexei kept asking himself.
We are shooting our newest documentary "Shadows of the Empire".
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Wrzesień / 2017

It is with great sadness that we say farewell to Grzegorz Królikiewicz, a genius of avant-garde work, director of such films as "Througn & Through", "Permanent Objections", "Fort XIII", "Killing Auntie" or "Neighbourhooders".

Lipiec / 2017

Wonderful news! A debut movie "Chain Reaction" by Jakub Paczek, which is scheduled to have its cinematic premiere in autumn, has been selected to compete in this year's 42nd Polish Film Festival in Gdynia!

Maj / 2017

Kadr Film Studio began the digital restoration process of "Sól ziemi czarnej" and "Perła w koronie". The premiere of the restored version of the movies is scheduled for the late 2017/early 2018.

Grudzień / 2016

Grzegorz Królikiewicz, the author of  "Fort XIII", "Through & Through", "Permanent Objections", "Killing Auntie") – pierwszą w historii – Nagrodą im. Krzysztofa Krauze za najnowszy, zrealizowany w Studiu Filmowym Kadr film "Neighborhooders".

Grudzień / 2016
With great grief we bid our farewell to a great screenwriter, producer and director, one of the best comedy creators of polish cinematography, Tadeusz Chmielewski.
Październik / 2016

On October 9th, 2016, Andrzej Wajda, the incomparable master of polish cinema, passed away. Kadr Film Studio bids farewell to a trully outstanding Artist and the author of "Generation", "Canal", "Ashes and Diamonds", "Swift", "Innocent Sorcerers", "Samson", as well as many other incredible pictures.

Wrzesień / 2016

How are things on the "Chain Reaction" filmset? Let's ask Jakub Pączek, Anna Radwan, Bartosz Gelner, Małgorzata Mikołajczak, Andrzej Mastalerz and Tomasz Włosok.

Interview prepared by Polish Filmmakers Association.

Wrzesień / 2016

Jerzy Skolimowski, the author of "Identification Marks: None", "Barrier", "Hands Up" and "Walk-over", has been awarded a Golden Lions for a Lifetime Achievement at the 73rd International Venice Film Festival.

Wrzesień / 2016

Lodz Film School Authorities and Kadr Film Studio Directors signed an agreement, under which students of the oldest film school in Poland will have the opportunity of apprenticeships in the oldest polish film studio.

Czerwiec / 2016

On 15th of June 2016, CRF company non-exclusive license in the field of public screenings has expired. Please note that Kadr Film Studio owns digital copies.

Czerwiec / 2016

Feature debut of Jakub Pączek, titled "Chain Reaction", co-financed by Polish Film Institute, has entered the production period on 1st of June 2016.

Maj / 2016

Kadr Film Studio would like to inform, that companies based in France - Jeck Film and Tancrede Films, are not authorized in any way to represent the Studio.

Maj / 2016

Kadr Film Studio is pleased to announce that Polish Film Institute has awarded a grant for a promisig feature debut of Jakub Pączek, titled "Chain Reaction". We are going to start rolling soon!

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Marzec / 2016

"Influenz" with two "Eagles!

Last night, Polish Film Academy awarded "Eagles" for best films of last year. "Influenz" won in both categories in which the movie was nominated! Award for Best Costume Design was awarded to Ms. Dorota Roqueplo and Mr. Andrzej Szenajch, and in the category of Best Production Design the award went to Jagna Janicka.

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Luty / 2016

17th of February marked the passing of a wonderful director and screenwriter, Andrzej Zulawski. The author of "Devil", "Third Part of The Night", "On The Silver Globe" and many others.

Styczeń / 2016
Grudzień / 2015
Grudzień / 2015
Październik / 2015
Wrzesień / 2015
Wrzesień / 2015