This compilation contains
information of screening licences
granted since 1st of January 2016
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Title License period Number of screenings Venue Country
Ręce do góry / Hands Up 08.05.2018 1 Polish Journalists Association in Warsaw Poland
Młodość Chopina / The Youth of Chopin 06.05.2018 1 Filmhuset Stockholm, Sweden Sweden
Faraon / Pharaoh 06.05.2018 2 Hiroshima Japan
Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie / The Saragossa Manuscript 05.05.2018 1 Cinematheque of Macedonia Republic of Maced
Mój stary / My Old Man 05.05.2018 1 National Film Archive- Audiovisual Institute in Warsaw Poland
Vabank / Va Banque 04.05.2018 - 06.05.2018 1 Uzbekkino, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Matka Joanna od Aniołów / Mother Joan of The Angels 04.05.2018 2 Hiroshima Japan
Pociąg / Night Train 04.05.2018 1 Cinematheque of Macedonia Republic of Maced
Ręce do góry / Hands Up 04.05.2018 1 Starówka Cinema in Sandomierz Poland
Śmierć prezydenta / Death of The President 04.05.2018 1 Starówka Cinema in Sandomierz Poland
Pociąg / Night Train 03.05.2018 2 Hiroshima Japan
Ręce do góry / Hands Up 03.05.2018 1 Cinema Lumiere in Bologna Italy
Bariera / Barrier 03.05.2018 1 Starówka Cinema in Sandomierz Poland
Cień / Shadow 02.05.2018 2 Hiroshima Japan
Noce i dnie / Nights And Days 02.05.2018 1 Babylon Cinema in Berlin Germany