This compilation contains
information of screening licences
granted since 1st of January 2016
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Title License period Number of screenings Venue Country
Odwiedziny prezydenta / Visit of a President 27.05.2018 1 WHS Teatteri Union, Helsinki Finland
Nie lubię poniedziałku / I Hate Monday 27.05.2018 1 Bema Park in Gdansk Poland
Filip z konopii / Haphazard Philip 26.05.2018 1 Orzel Culture Center in Boleslawiec Poland
Sól ziemi czarnej / Salt of The Black Earth 25.05.2018 1 National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institute in Warsaw Poland
Zbrodniarz i panna / The Criminal and the Lady 25.05.2018 1 Polish Journalists Association in Warsaw Poland
Szatan z VII klasy / The Devil From The 7th Grade 25.05.2018 1 Culture Center in Hrubieszow Poland
U Pana Boga za piecem (I) / In Heaven As It Is On Earth 25.05.2018 1 House of Creative Work of Polish Filmmakers Association in Kazimierz Dolny Polska
Skarb / Treasure 25.05.2018 - 26.05.2018 1 University of Warsaw Poland
Do widzenia, do jutra / See You Tomorrow 25.05.2018 - 26.05.2018 1 University of Warsaw Poland
Jak być kochaną / How To Be Loved 25.05.2018 - 26.05.2018 1 University of Warsaw Poland
Lotna / Swift 25.05.2018 1 Royal Lazienki Park in Warsaw Poland
Test pilota Pirx'a / Pilot Pirx's Inquest 24.05.2018 1 ZAMEK Culture Center in Poznan Poland
Ręce do góry / Hands Up 24.05.2018 1 Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre Poland
Popiół i diament / Ashes And Diamonds 23.05.2018 1 Cinematheque KOFA 1, Korean Film Archive South Korea
Ćma / The Moth 22.05.2018 1 Dzialdowska 6, Wola Culture Center, Warsaw Poland