This compilation contains
information of screening licences
granted since 1st of January 2016
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Title License period Number of screenings Venue Country
Podróż za jeden uśmiech / Trip For One Smile 13.05.2018 1 MUZA Concert Hall in Sosnowiec Poland
Test pilota Pirx'a / Pilot Pirx's Inquest 12.05.2018 1 "Pod Kopula" Cinema in gostyn Poland
Paryż Warszawa bez wizy / Paris-Warsaw Without Visa 12.05.2018 1 Home Army Square in Mielec Polska
Marysia i Napoleon / Maria and Napoleon 11.05.2018 1 SMB "Jary" Art House Poland
Trzecia część nocy / The Third Part of The Night 11.05.2018 1 The Pomeranian Dukes Castle in Szczecin Poland
Trzecia część nocy / The Third Part of The Night 11.05.2018 1 The Pomeranian Dukes Castle in Szczecin Poland
Zbyszek / Zbyszek 10.05.2018 2 Hiroshima Japan
Śmierć prezydenta / Death of The President 10.05.2018 1 SMB "Jary" Art House Poland
Sól ziemi czarnej / Salt of The Black Earth 10.05.2018 1 SMB "Jary" Art House Poland
Sanatorium Pod Klepsydrą / The Hour-Glass Sanatorium 09.05.2018 1 Cultural Centre "Zamek" in Poznań Polska
Orzeł / Eagle 09.05.2018 1 II World War Museum in Gdansk Poland
Małżeństwo z rozsądku / The Marriage of Convenience 08.05.2018 1 Warsaw Poland
Nóż w wodzie / The Knife In The Water 08.05.2018 1 Kosmos Cinema in Katowice Poland
Nóż w wodzie / The Knife In The Water 08.05.2018 1 Kosmos Cinema in Katowice Poland
Wierna rzeka / The Faithful River 08.05.2018 1 SMB "Jary" Art House Poland