This compilation contains
information of screening licences
granted since 1st of January 2016
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Title License period Number of screenings Venue Country
Popiół i diament / Ashes And Diamonds 10.09.2018 - 17.09.2018 1 Bucharest Romania
Rzeczpospolita babska / Women's Republic 08.09.2018 1 "Muflon" Culture Center in Jelenia Gora Poland
Nikt nie woła / Nobody's Calling 08.09.2018 1 Cinema City, Bytom Poland
Sól ziemi czarnej / Salt of The Black Earth 08.09.2018 1 Zabrze Poland
Sąsiedzi / The Neighbours 08.09.2018 1 Dluga Street in Bydgoszcz Poland
Stawka ... (zest. I-VI : 12 odc.) / More Than Life At Stake 08.09.2018 1 Grabina Poland
Przygoda na Mariensztacie / Adventure at Marienstadt 08.09.2018 1 Fact Culture Center in Warsaw Poland
Zezowate szczęście / Bad Luck 08.09.2018 2 Warszawa Poland
Brunet wieczorową porą / A Brunet Will Call 07.09.2018 1 Gdynia Orlowo Beach in Gdynia Poland
Popiół i diament / Ashes And Diamonds 07.09.2018 1 DCF Cinema in Wroclaw Poland
Podróż za jeden uśmiech / Trip For One Smile 07.09.2018 1 DCF Cinema in Wroclaw Poland
Brunet wieczorową porą / A Brunet Will Call 07.09.2018 1 Warszawa Poland
Perła w koronie / Pearl In The Crown 06.09.2018 1 Cinema City, Bytom Poland
Rewers / Reverse 06.09.2018 1 Warsaw Poland
Jak to się robi / How It Is Done 06.09.2018 1 Minsk Mazowiecki City Culture Center Poland