This compilation contains
information of screening licences
granted since 1st of January 2016
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Title License period Number of screenings Venue Country
Zakazane piosenki / Forbidden Songs 09.11.2017 1 Chopin's Manor, City Culture Center in Duszniki-Zdroj Poland
Salto / Jump 08.11.2017 1 Zak Club, Gdansk Poland
Giuseppe w Warszawie / Giuseppe In Warsaw 07.11.2017 1 Zak Club, Gdansk Poland
Austeria / Austeria 06.11.2017 1 Cinematography Museum in Lodz Poland
Cudzoziemka / The Stranger 06.11.2017 1 Cinematography Museum in Lodz Poland
Jak być kochaną / How To Be Loved 06.11.2017 1 Zak Club, Gdansk Poland
Test pilota Pirx'a / Pilot Pirx's Inquest 05.11.2017 - 08.11.2017 2 Anthology Film Archives, New York United States of America
Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie / The Saragossa Manuscript 05.11.2017 1 Zak Club, Gdansk Poland
Popiół i diament / Ashes And Diamonds 04.11.2017 1 Zak Club, Gdansk Poland
Niewinni czarodzieje / Innocent Sorcerers 04.11.2017 1 Syrena Cinema in Museum of Warsaw Poland
Ewa chce spać / Eve Wants To Sleep 04.11.2017 1 Warsaw City Center Culture Center Poland
Do widzenia, do jutra / See You Tomorrow 03.11.2017 1 Zak Club, Gdansk Poland
Popiół i diament / Ashes And Diamonds 03.11.2017 1 Cinema Zbyszek, Dzierzoniow Poland
Zbyszek / Zbyszek 03.11.2017 1 Cinematography Museum in Lodz Poland
Sanatorium Pod Klepsydrą / The Hour-Glass Sanatorium 31.10.2017 1 Max Palevsky Cinema, University of Chicago United States of America