This compilation contains
information of screening licences
granted since 1st of January 2016
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Title License period Number of screenings Venue Country
Kanał / Canal 06.03.2018 - 18.03.2018 2 Cineteca Nacional in Mexico City Mexico
Pokolenie / Generation 05.03.2018 1 Museum of Cinematography in Lodz Poland
Jak być kochaną / How To Be Loved 04.03.2018 1 Museum of the II World War in Gdansk Poland
Krzyk / Scream 02.03.2018 1 Swit Culture Center in Warsaw Poland
Pętla / The Noose 02.03.2018 1 Whitney Humanities Center, New Haven, CT 06511, United States of America United States of America
Perła w koronie / Pearl In The Crown 02.03.2018 1 Moder Art Center "SMIENA" in Kazan Russia
Zakazane piosenki / Forbidden Songs 01.03.2018 - 31.03.2018 2 Cornell University in New York and Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania United States of America
Bariera / Barrier 28.02.2018 1 Lesserpoland Art Garden in Cracow Poland
Spotkania w mroku / Encounters in the Dark 28.02.2018 1 National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institute in Warsaw Poland
Eroica / Eroica 27.02.2018 1 Warsaw Poland
Zezowate szczęście / Bad Luck 27.02.2018 1 Warsaw Poland
Rewers / Reverse 24.02.2018 - 25.02.2018 2 Takazaki City Denkikan Japonia
Śmierć prezydenta / Death of The President 22.02.2018 1 Lighthouse Cinema, Smithfield, Dublin, Ireland Ireland
Człowiek na torze / The Man On The Track 22.02.2018 1 Association of Polish Journalists in Warsaw Poland
Był sobie raz... / Once There Was 21.02.2018 1 MUZ Cinema, National Museum in Warsaw Poland