This compilation contains
information of screening licences
granted since 1st of January 2016
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Title License period Number of screenings Venue Country
Gorączka / Fever 21.06.2018 1 Independent Traditions Museum in Lodz Poland
Kingsajz / Kingsajz 21.06.2018 1 Forum Przestrzenie Cafe, Cracow Polska
Jak to się robi / How It Is Done 19.06.2018 1 Dzialdowska 6, Wola Culture Center, Warsaw Poland
Och, Karol / Oh, Charles 19.06.2018 1 Old Cinema (Piotrkowska 120) in Lodz Poland
Noce i dnie / Nights And Days 18.06.2018 1 Culture Center in Rzeszow Poland
Kazimierz Wielki - 2 części / Casimir the Great 17.06.2018 1 Ostrovia Cinema, Ostrow Mazowiecka Poland
Perła w koronie / Pearl In The Crown 17.06.2018 1 Art Garden in Cracow Poland
Brunet wieczorową porą / A Brunet Will Call 17.06.2018 1 Culture Center in Konstancin Center Poland
Do widzenia, do jutra / See You Tomorrow 16.06.2018 4 Chodowiecki & Grass House in Gdansk Poland
Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie / The Saragossa Manuscript 15.06.2018 1 KUL Environment Engineering Institute in Stalowa Wola Poland
Sanatorium Pod Klepsydrą / The Hour-Glass Sanatorium 15.06.2018 1 Warsaw University Poland
Zakazane piosenki / Forbidden Songs 14.06.2018 1 7th Bastion, Zamosc Poland
Rewers / Reverse 13.06.2018 1 Nowe Horyzonty Cinema in Wroclaw Poland
Popiół i diament / Ashes And Diamonds 13.06.2018 1 Ancien Cinéma Albania
Noce i dnie / Nights And Days 13.06.2018 1 New York, United States of America United States of America