The Wall of Witches

(Ściana czarownic)

1967   >   sports/comedy

A story about a talented yet unruly skier who fights to be reinstated as a member of the national skiing team. Backstage of sports rivalry and incredibly dynamic scenes showing skiers’ bravado are the film’s strong assets.

The skier Gazda is suspended in his sports rights. Since an important competition is coming close and Gazda has great technical abilities, the club management decides to withdraw the suspension, which doesn’t change the sportsman’s behavior in the least bit. He starts a brawl at a night club and right before the competition he goes to a mountain hostel with a singer – Ewa. Trial runs give him a far position, yet during the competition he proves his worth. Winning the gold medal depends on Maciek’s last run. Gazda gives him a technical tip thanks to which Maciek wins.


Paweł Komorowski
Andrzej Bonarski, Jerzy Suszko
Krzysztof Winiewicz
Halina Dobrowolska, Andrzej Płocki
Irena Choryńska
Jerzy Matuszkiewicz
Zbigniew Dobrzyński, Marta Lipińska,
Andrzej Balcerzak, Jacek Fedorowicz,
Iga Cembrzyńska, Irena Orska
Materials: SD
Length: 90’
