

1957   >   psychological

The story of a wealthy farmer who loves cultivating his land. New political circumstances make people around him dislike him.

Farmer Ślemień is successful and resourceful, as were his ancestors. His wealth comes from nothing but hard work and his love for the land. Unfortunately, the size of his farm and his wealth make communist authorities label him a “rich peasant”.  Farmers with less land who used to work for him leave to join the forming cooperative. He loses the money he loaned them. His visits to the county secretary are unsuccessful.  Ślemień is afraid he won’t be able to cultivate all his land on his own.  The local priest and the farmer’s brother-in-law come to his aid. The blacksmith can’t find time to do work for Ślemień because he’s busy with orders for the cooperative – they’re more important. The brother-in-law doesn’t tell his son he’s helping family. The cooperative has a tractor – the new technology is especially appreciated by the youth. Ślemień’s wife considers moving to the city. Embittered, Ślemień can’t understand why everyone’s turning their backs on the land. Banach and his son leave the farm.


Jerzy Zarzycki
Danuta Ścibor-Rylska
Antoni Wójtowicz
Janina Niedźwiecka
Andrzej Dobrowolski
Janusz Strachocki, Zofia Małynicz, Jadwiga Andrzejewska
Materials: SD
Length: 73’