A film adaptation of a romantic novel by Lev Tolstoi. The fates of two lead characters, a nobleman and a rich maiden, whose feelings toward each other are put to the test by passing time and changing political and social environments.
The plot takes place in the Russian Partition. Albina is in love with Wincenty, despite the age difference the feeling is mutual. The situation becomes complicated as the November Uprising is launched. The patriotic insurgency places Wincenty amongst the ranks of freedom fighters. Unfortunately, after the rebellion falls he is sentenced to a penal company in the far steppe of Kazakhstan. Motivated by his feelings for him, Albina sets out after her beloved. When she reaches him, romantic ideals are faced with brutal reality. Living conditions are tragic. There’s no room for higher emotions when each day is a fight for survival. Despite this, they are still together. Tragedy strikes again when children who were born in exile die, one after another. The Tsar rejects their plea for a pardon. Their attempt at escape is a failure.