An intimate psychological drama portrayed against the backdrop of brutal WWII events. A realistic depiction of the Polish countryside under Nazi occupation, confronted with a poetic love story, additionally addressing the issue of patriotism and bravery. The film’s creators reject clear-cut, black and white moral norms in favor of deeper, multi-layered analysis of human behavior in the face of danger.
A film adaptation of the novel “Wyraj” by Edmubd Niziurski, the creator of much loved, classic novels for youth that fascinate generation after generation of readers and filmmakers.
World War II, the rural Polish town. Doctor Stanny, who Germans suspect is helping the resistance, refuses to help a freedom fighter who asks him for help for his wounded comrades. Soon after the doctor finds Olek is hiding in his apartment – a teen who ran away from a prison transport and tied-up Bein, a police officer. Soon Sergeant Anna arrives as well. She forces Stanny to go with her to the rebel hideout at gunpoint. They are joined by the drugstore owner Kacper and set off on a dangerous journey. En route, Anna and Stanny begin to understand each other better – mutual respect and fascination spark romance.