In the Days Before the Spring

(W te dni przedwiosenne)

1975   >   war

The final stage of war shown through the eyes of soldiers, their grief, dilemma and yearning for normal, peaceful life. The film emphasizes the significance of war experiences for further development of people’s behavior and the decisions they make in life.

Colonel Kaszyba, after being discharged from the hospital, is to be appointed a new staff position. Sergeant Wolak is driving him. The take along nurse Emilia who wants to visit her mother. Kaszyba reminisces about his eventful life, imprisonment by the sanation government, fighting in Spain and at Leningrad, being away from his wife for long periods of time. Before going to sleep he informs the heiress to the property that her property will be nationalized and given to farmers. Upon arriving in Żylin he doesn’t want to get in fights with remaining Nazi units. Sergeant Wolak, who decides on his own to clean the city of bandits is sent to court martial and sentenced to penal company. At staff Kaszyba is planning a battle which will allow him to break through enemy lines. His reckless cavalry attack brings victory. Wolak dies in the battle. Emilia is wounded. In the final scene Kaszyba screams „Who gave permission?”


Andrzej Konic
Zbigniew Safjan
Andrzej Ramlau
Bolesław Kamykowski
Halina Nawrocka
Waldemar Kazanecki
Leonard Pietraszak
Halina Rowicka
Jerzy Matałowski
Alicja Jachiewicz
Emilia Krakowska
Ewa Lassek-Jarocka
Witold Dębicki
Mieczysław Kalenik
Zygmunt Kęstowicz
Tadeusz Huk
Materials: SD
Length: 99’