Escape from Recsk

(Ucieczka (koprod.))

1996   >   historical/action/drama

A film re-enactment of an escape from a Stalinist forced labor camp in Hungarian territory

Recsk, a place that can be found nowhere on any map of Hungary, is the location of a secret forced labor camp. It was planned as the final destination of any deportee – political prisoners who were sent there were never to outside again. A special system was put in place to ensure they die as quickly as possible. Corporal punishment, hunger, and above all exhausting physical work. The prisoners see their only chance in sending word out that such a camp exists. Gyula Molnar, interpreter for the Allied Control Council, takes on this mission. After a highly dramatic and both physically and mentally strenuous escape, he succeeds and is finally able to relay information about the camp via Radio Free Europe.


Livia Gyarmathy
Geza Boszormenyi
Gabor Balog
Zsolt Buday Juhasz
Gabriella Koncz, Krzysztof Podolski
Ferenc Darvas
Daniel Olbrychski
Artur Żmijewski
Krzysztof Kolberger
Dariusz Kurzelewski
Laszlo Zsolt
Adam Schnoll
Barna Illyes
Janos Degi
Judit Pogany
Materials: SD
Length: 92’