This political drama unfolds within a group of actors during martial law in Poland and presents complicated fortunes and difficult life choices of the protagonists and the consequent results.
Jan Małecki a young and talented actor is to play Hamlet. It is December 1981 and the so called Solidarity „carnival” is in full swing. Jan wants to be apolitical and remains detached from the current events. He has already witnessed the destructive power of politics, he dreams of leaving to Sweden. He want to ensure the success of his plan and arranges a meeting with his brother a Major of the secret police. Unfortunately after the 13th of December this becomes impossible. His friends from the theatre are interned. The manager of the paint shop, Tomek asks him to pick up a suitcase from the rail station deposit. Tomek as a conspirator is arrested by the secret police. On Christmas Eve Jan also ends up arrested. During a transport he manages to escape from the convoy. He hides at Eva’s apartment and starts an affair with her. Once again he is arrested. During the interviews colleagues are set against each other. Witek signs a declaration and encourages others to reveal themselves on TV. Jan is released from prison only in 1983. The theatre has a new director and Witek has lost his mind, Tomek turned out to be a traitor. Jan takes the suitcase hidden in the theater and delivers it to the original address.