

1969   >   psychological/ drama

A difficult period of growing up and making important decisions and dealing with their consequences for two young lead characters looking for an idea on how to live their lives. All this against the backdrop of 1960s rural Poland with farming cooperatives and seasonal workers.

High school dropouts Franek and Paweł run away from home to the sea coast. A stranger Filip, who soon discovers who they are, makes them an offer. For helping him rob the local farming cooperative cashbox, he promises to hire them on his ship. The boys, who are looking for adventure, accept the offer and get hired helping with harvests at the co-op. Filip’s initial plan gets complicated when Paweł meets Teresa – the girl becomes more important to him than the heist. Franek helps Filip steal drills from the workshop. The police arrest an innocent old man. Franek and Paweł get into an argument. Franek accuses his friend of betraying him. He expects Franek to go back to the co-op and turn himself in. They start fighting. Franek falls off the jetty into the sea. He doesn’t come up.


Kazimierz Kutz
Edmund Głuchowski, Kazimierz Kutz
Krzysztof Winiewicz
Marian Kołodziej
Irena Choryńska
Adam Sławiński
Małgorzata Braunek, Andrzej Gazdeczka,
Daniel Olbrychski, Marian Opania,
Bogdan Baer, Jerzy Bińczycki
Materials: SD
Length: 85’
