New Year Eve Adventure

(Przygoda noworoczna)

1963   >   drama

A warm comedy drama which uses wit and satire to bitterly reflect on love and human relationships. A morally bold film with a perfect cast, fully embedded in the Polish reality of the early-1960s.

A story of a loving couple for whom the dream of a night spent together turns into a series of unpleasant events.

Krystyna and Adam plan to spend the New Year’s Eve in an empty flat of a friend. Their romantic evening is disturbed by a neighbor whose wife has just gone into labor. While waiting for the ambulance, instead of being joyful, the spouses treat one another with anger and contempt. Next, the flat owner’s drunk wife shows up with her much younger lover. The final guests include a conflicted couple: an alcoholic and his battered wife. The spouses live in this pathological relationship, unable to break off. In the light of the evening events the young couple, previously filled with faith in perfect love, begin to ponder on their future and sense of their feeling.


Stanisław Wohl
Andrzej Mandalian
Antoni Wójtowicz
Anatol Radzinowicz
Mirosława Garlicka, Aurelia Rut
Edward Pałłasz
Anna Prucnal
Jerzy Kamas
Bogusław Sochnacki
Anna Ciepielewska
Witold Skaruch
Ewa Wawrzoń
Zofia Kucówna
Bohdan Łazuka
Wiesław Gołas
Materials: SD
Length: 72’
