

1965   >   psychological/ drama

A story of a shy and sensitive student that falls in love with a popular girl from his studies who is always surrounded by a bunch of admirers, taking place in the academic environment of the 1960s. Excellent pictures of Warsaw by Stefan Matyjaszkiewicz and music by Krzysztof Komeda.

Andrzej, nicknamed “Pingwin” (“Pinguin”) by his friends, is a student at the Warsaw University of Technology. He falls in love with Baśka, a beautiful but proud girl. Unfortunately, she ignores the boy’s advances. She is equally indifferent to Adaś, yet another boy that she doesn’t care about. Baśka has a crash on Łukasz, a friend of Adaś, who, talked into it by Adaś, reads passages from the letters which Baśka wrote to him. He does it at a party. The girl feels ridiculed and she runs away. Andrzej decides to get the letters and give them back to Baśka. He learns that Adaś has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Soon he discovers that the abduction was arranged by Adaś and Łukasz, who want to get a ransom from the boy’s parents. Threatening to reveal the truth, Andrzej retrieves Baśka’s letters and forces Adaś to go back home. As a payback, Łukasz sends a bunch of local hooligans who attack Andrzej and leave him unconscious. Andrzej, all beaten up and wrapped up in bandages, talks to Baśka on the phone and tells her about his feelings for her.


Jerzy Stefan Stawiński
Jerzy Stefan Stawiński
Stefan Matyjaszkiewicz
Roman Wołyniec
Mirosława Garlicka
Krzysztof Komeda
Andrzej Kozak, Krystyna Konarska,
Zbigniew Cybulski, Janina Kałuska-Szydłowska,
Elżbieta Święcicka, Mieczysław Milecki
Materials: SD
Length: 93’
