

1964   >   psychological/drama

A review of the history of Silesia through the prism of five miners trapped under the ground, representing different generations and views upon life.

Excellent pictures by Krzysztof Winiewicz, who managed to use the entire potential offered by the spectacular scenery of the underground corridors.

An adaptation of the novel “Brzegi ciemności” by Aleksander Baumgardten, a co-author of the script.

An accident happens in one of the Silesian mines. Five miners get trapped in an underground corridor. At the beginning they just wait for the rescue, but when the situation becomes critical they try to get out on their own. Facing death, the men recall the events which have led them to this day. The oldest of them, Wala, starts reminiscing about the Silesian uprisings and Nazi occupation. Kalus, who is severely injured, feels remorse about what happened during World War II. Rysiek remembers his relationship with Edyta, who was going abroad on that day... The experiences of the five men are intertwined and complement each other, giving a complicated mosaic picture of the Silesian community.


Paweł Komorowski
Aleksander Baumgardten, Paweł Komorowski
Krzysztof Winiewicz
Jan Grandys
Zofia Dwornik
Wojciech Kilar
Tadeusz Kalinowski
Ryszard Pietruski
Marian Kociniak
Andrzej Zaorski
Bogusław Sochnacki
Anna Ciepielewska
Jolanta Umecka
Materials: SD
Length: 97’
