Full Moon Overhead

(Pełnia nad głowami)

1983   >   comedy

A satirical illustration of the motto “United we stand, divided we fall” in a story of two brothers, in which a conflict can be avoided only after the devil shows up.

Two brothers, Andrzej and Tadeusz, are absolute antagonists. Andrzej is the president of a national council and Tadeusz is a priest. A soon-to-be-demolished windmill becomes another source of conflict between them. According to the representative of the secular authorities, the funds from the sale of the boards should be used for the purchase of an alarm siren. The representative of the church authority, however, wants to fund a new bell. Finally, the brothers start fighting. The windmill falls apart, revealing the devil sitting on the pile of boards. The militia commander arrests the devil and puts him in jail. Andrzej tries to convince the devil that he cannot exist in his materialized form and is only the result of imagination. To no effect, as the devil is still present in his cell. Tadeusz’s visit also fails. The fact the devil exists remains undisputed. The brothers decide to meet and act together. As soon as they get united, the devil disappears. A new quarrel starts over who takes greater credit for getting rid of the devil. Hearing the argument, the devil shows up again. He disappears only when the brothers reach an agreement. This finally makes them realize that in order to achieve something they need to work together, while conflicts and disputes lead nowhere.


Andrzej Czekalski
Tadeusz Chmielewski, Andrzej Czekalski
Mikołaj Sprudin
Bolesław Kamykowski
Mirosława Garlicka
Lucjan Kaszycki
Franciszek Pieczka, Zygmunt Malawski,
Kazimierz Witkiewicz, Marian Opania,
Ludwik Benoit, Halina Billing-Wohl
Materials: SD
Length: 74’