Pictures from Life

(Obrazki z życia /siedem nowel/)

1976   >   comedy

Seven short stories based on columns written by Jerzy Kibic (penname of Jerzy Urban) and published in the supplement to "Express Wieczorny". A satirical review of famous court cases from the 1970s, filmed by debutants who went on to become the creators of the so-called "cinema of moral anxiety" and starring some of the greatest Polish actors of the time.

I – The Affair

The wife of a popular radio presenter has a lover. One day, they get locked in a friend's apartment. A neighbor manages to save them, only to become the victim himself, because the door to his apartment gets locked shut. The radio presenter's wife takes him home and lends him one of her husband's suits. The radio presenter shows up unexpectedly and finds his wife at home with a stranger wearing his best suit, with a large amount of money hidden in its pockets. The police arrive and take control of the situation; they assert the presenter that the man is a burglar and since he has been caught there is nothing more to the case.

II – The Actress

A man claiming to be a well-connected celebrity agent arrives at a local community centre. He promises to organize a meeting with a famous film star. His proposal meets with great interest. Crowds flock to attend the meeting. The announcer presents a girl who only dreams of becoming an actress. She turns out to have no talent whatsoever. A scandal breaks out, the police get involved. The interrogations of the arrested persons reveal their modus operandi.

III – The Girl and "Akwarius"

"Akwarius" is a local music sensation. After seeing the band in concert, a girl instinctively gets on a train and joins it on tour. The band unsuccessfully tries to turn her into a solo singer. Her parents inform the police that the girl is missing. Eventually, the police manage to find Bożena. It turns out that her only motive was the desire to listen to beat music, which no one can resist.

IV – The Dispute

Krystyna Wojciechowska notices an attractive girl riding with her husband in his car. From her point of view, this is a sufficient reason to divorce him. The problem, however, is that the old car is their marital property and as such it has to be divided during the divorce. This constitutes a serious problem for the court. Luckily, it get solved by a slab of concrete which falls out of a truck and crushes the car, turning it into scrap metal. Krystyna and her husband make up.

V – The Blouse

Two girls are fighting for the same boy. Luba agrees to give him up in return for a trendy blouse. Kazimiera is planning to marry the boy. During the ceremony, furious Luba storms into the building. She chucks the blouse at Kazimiera and demands that she give Tadeusz back. The two girls get into a fight while Tadeusz escapes with the blouse.

VI – The Soap Bar Incident

A soap bar disappears from the executive restroom. The disappearance becomes a matter of utmost importance and the subject of an employee meeting in a major institution. A special committee is formed in order to investigate the theft and supervise distribution of soap. Rumors, slander and suppositions emerge. The press gets interested in the case. Eventually, it turns out that the soap bar was moved to other restrooms where there had been no soap.

VII – The Writer

A man with a baby bathtub is looking for a cab, but cannot find one. He becomes increasingly desperate. Eventually, he notices an unlocked Fiat. With the owner nowhere in sight, he gets in and drives off. While driving, the man goes through the things left inside. He finds an ID card and discovers that the owner is a Warsaw-based writer. Gradually, he starts to identify himself with the man. He has an accident and is taken to a hospital, where he continues to pretend that he is a writer. He writes a play which the theatre director wants to produce immediately, discarding a play written by the real writer. The real writer and the usurper get into a fight, much to the joy of the theatre crew.


Jerzy Domaradzki (part I)
Feliks Falk (part II)
Agnieszka Holland (part III)
Andrzej Kotkowski (part IV)
Jerzy Obłamski (part V)
Krzysztof Gradowski (part VI)
Barbara Sass- Zdort (part VII)
Andrzej Kotkowski
Wacław Dybowski
Wojciech Majda
Barbara Kosidowska
Tomasz Stańko
Part I- Bogdan Baer, Jerzy Kamas,
Kazimierz Kaczor;
part II- Joanna Sienkiewicz,
Zbigniew Zapasiewicz, Barbara Bargiełowska;
part III- Grażyna Klepka, Marek Bargiełowski,
Stanisław Jaroszyński;
part IV- Józef Pieracki, Wojciech Pszoniak,
Danuta Rinn;
part V- Jolanta Bohdal, Jolanta Lothe,
Andrzej Niemira;
part VI- Henryk Bąk, Bożena Dykiel,
Janina Nowicka;
part VII- Adam Hanuszkiewicz, Jan Himilsbach,
Andrzej Seweryn
Materials: SD