The film’s screenplay is based on a short story under the same title written by Stanisław Czycz. Four characters rebel against conventions and customs and dream about a pleasant, carefree life.
The beginning of 1960s in a small, provincial town. Four friends: Admirał, Ataman, Wódz and Pasza enjoy themselves, drink wine and wander around the city. They hang out at the railway station, telling made-up stories. Admirał has a crush on Marta, a girl he met at a student’s camp, who has recently come to the town. They begin falling for each other. Admirał spends less time with his friends as he prefers to spend his time with Marta. The intense and immature feeling leads to a number of misunderstandings and eventually they break up. Two new girls appear in the town: Ewa and Myszka. Wishing to make Marta jealous Admirał flirts with Myszka, however Marta is not impressed. The boys laugh at Admirał, which causes Admirał’s fight with Wódz. They make up and drink some wine. Because of a brawl in a café the friends end up in prison. Marta leaves, looking for someone at the railway platform with her eyes. The boys go on a night trip to get to the bank of a formerly wonderful river. In daylight the river proves to be a stream that they all know too well.