Little Dramas

(Małe dramaty)

1960   >   psychological/ for children and youth/ drama

The film is composed of two stores depicting the woes of the young main characters and debunking the myth that childhood is the happiest time in life. In his trademark manner, the director sensitizes the audience to children’s disappointments, dashed hopes and frail mentality.

Part I "Merry-Go-Round"

A group of little boys dream about taking a ride on the merry-go-round. Unfortunately, they do not have any money. The engine of the merry-go-round breaks down. The boys hope that by turning the merry-go-round they will earn themselves a free ride. When they finally do, they are too tired to enjoy it.

Part II "The Fall of a Millionaire"

A 10-year-old boy wants his backyard friends to accept him. Being weak and shy, he decides to impress them with his piggy bank. He tells them that he has saved up almost enough to buy a bicycle. When the piggy bank gets broken, it turns out that it was full of banknotes the boy had painted himself.


Janusz Nasfeter
Janusz Nasfeter
Kazimierz Konrad (Part I), Karol Chodura (Part II)
Adam T. Nowakowski
Mirosława Garlicka
Adam Walaciński
Wojciech Lityński, Andrzej Nasfeter,
Marek Paprotny, Tomasz Mayzel,
Jerzy Palmowski, Tadeusz Wiśniewski
Materials: SD
Length: 23' (Part I), 37' (Part II)’