

1982   >   psychological/ drama

A bitter story of an old actress, played and used by a clever and energetic impresario, who has turned her old age an into an unconventional method of attracting viewers. It also illustrates the conditions prevailing in the environment of provincial artists and people managing them, who in order to achieve their purpose, are willing to sacrifice the health and dignity of actors.

A theater troupe, led by a young impresario, Fred, begins a series of performances. The previous impresario, Mr. Stasinek, left with the conviction that the repertoire is no longer attractive for the spectators. Part of the team is Gertruda, approaching ninety - once a favourite of the audience, now an ailing, old woman with very poor eyesight and hearing. The performances are not popular. Taking advantage of the weakness of Gertruda’s senses, after every performance the actors besiege her to create the illusion of delight in her acting and unrelenting public interest. Looking for ways to improve attendance, Fred loudly declares that she is very  ill and that she could die at any moment. With high probability it can happen on stage during the show. Amazingly, the idea turns out to be a bull’s eye. Tickets sold out, Gertruda feels happy. Some time later, Pola, exasperated by the actress, reveals to her the true reason for the show’s popularity. Gertruda understands that the spectators come not to enjoy her acting, but to witness her death on the stage. On the way to the next show, the actress dies in the car. 


Janusz Kondratiuk
Janusz Kondratiuk, Włodzimierz Preyss
Zygmunt Samosiuk
Andrzej Przedworski, Czesław Siekiera
Jarosław Ostanówko
Krzysztof Meyer
Włodzimierz Boruński, Włodzimierz Musiał,
Włodzimierz Preyss, Joanna Szczepkowska,
Zuzanna Łozińska, Michał Bajor
Materials: SD
Length: 88’

