Other Island

(Inna wyspa)

1986   >   psychological/ drama

A film directorial debut of Grażyna Kędzielawska, the movie speaks of loneliness by telling the story of a terminally ill woman. It is an austere yet incredibly profound portrayal of suffering and hopelessness which  lead to a tragic end. A remarkable performance by Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak is particularly noteworthy.

Architects Marta and Paweł are a couple. They work together on a new project. Marta suffers from multiple sclerosis. She is aware of the fact that the disease is incurable.  Her condition prompts regular spells in hospital.  Resulting breaks from work negatively affect Marta’s ability to meet deadlines. During one of her stays in hospital, she meets Andrzej who is visiting his ailing mother. Marta’s condition improves and she returns home. Full of enthusiasm, she wants to continue to work and plans to have a child. Sadly, Paweł treats her with indifference. Marta’s condition soon becomes worse. Paweł starts an affair with a visiting nurse Krysia. Marta is again admitted to hospital. Paweł withdraws her name from the project and completes it by himself. A doctor crushes Marta’s hopes by telling her that her condition will continue to deteriorate. Marta decides to leave Paweł. She is unlikely to have a relationship with Andrzej. She ends up alone. Distressed and miserable, she commits suicide. 


Grażyna Kędzielawska
Grażyna Kędzielawska
Krzysztof Ptak
Tadeusz Kosarewicz
Marek Denys
Gustav Mahler
Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak, Mirosława Marcheluk,
Ryszarda Hanin, Daria Trafankowska,
Teresa Sawicka, Ewa Sałacka
Materials: SD
Length: 69’