The Four Seasons

(Cztery pory roku)

1984   >   psychological/drama

A portrait of the Kondtratiuk family painted against a backdrop of changing seasons. A very personal and unique film by Andrzej Kondratiuk -  a deep reflection on the meaning of existence and the inevitability of passing time and death. Immensely moving simple, routine activities and events which take on deep meaning through the directors masterful presentation.

Far from Warsaw by the Narew river the Kondratiuk family lives in a farm home. The camera records everything – everyday conversations, thoughts, behaviors. In the background we see changing seasons of the year. As with the inevitable cycle of life, spring is first and winter last. Everything moves forward slowly, each moment is filled with serenity and contemplation. The father dies in the autumn.


Andrzej Kondratiuk
Andrzej Kondratiuk
Andrzej Kondratiuk
Andrzej Kondratiuk
Maria Orłowska
Andrzej Kondratiuk
Iga Cembrzyńska, Krystyna Kondratiuk,
Andrzej Kondratiuk, Arkadiusz Kondratiuk,
Janusz Kondratiuk


1985 Gdansk
Best non-full feature film award at the Polish Film Festival
1985 Locarno
Brown Leopard Eye award (TV section) at the International Film Festival
Materials: SD
Length: 71’