I'll Be Waiting In Monte Carlo

(Czekam w Monte Carlo)

1968   >  

A dynamic and epic picture showing the famous Monte Carlo Rally, in which two Poles are taking part. The film’s strong point is creative scenes of the daredevil bravado of car drivers. Not all the competitors make it to the finish line.

A Polish crew takes part in the Monte Carlo Rally: a driver Piotr and his pilot Jan as well as an English and Swedish crew. After the first stage the competitors meet in Monte Carlo, where Piotr’s wife is waiting. She’s fond of Jan, which causes tension in the crew. The second stage proves very difficult and tragic. The Swedish crew – the Andersons – are killed in an accident. The Poles also have a crash. Misunderstandings abound. During the third stage Jan wants to drive the car, claiming that Piotr drives to carefully. Driving in extremely difficult conditions causes that Jan breaks down and escapes from the car. Piotr forces him to come back and resume the pilot’s role. The race continues. At dawn the crews reach a check point. They are merely a few hundred meters away from each other and start competing fiercely only to reach the finish line at the same time. 


Julian Dziedzina
Jerzy Suszko, Bohdan Tomaszewski
Mikołaj Sprudin
Anatol Radzinowicz
Zenon Piórecki
Andrzej Kurylewicz
Stanisław Zaczyk, Andrzej Kopiczyński,
Jack Recknitz, Zygmunt Apostoł,
Janina Borońska, Krzysztof Chamiec
Materials: SD
Length: 90’
