Warsaw Sketches

(Szkice warszawskie)

1970   >   slice of life

An experimental anthology film by Henryk Kluba, a well-known film director and actor who went on to become a long-term lecturer and then rector of Łódź Film School.

A screen adaptation of short stories by Tadeusz Borowski, Andrzej Bonarski and Andrzej Szczypiorski.

The film consists of three stories from the lives of Varsovians taking place in different time periods and showing complicated relations between history and the fate of individuals.

Short Story 1 “Allegro”

In Nazi-occupied Warsaw, a group of friends are trying to make it to an underground secondary school final exam, but find themselves in the middle of a German roundup. One of the students is killed, but the others get to their destination. They fear the exam more than the ubiquitous terror.

Short Story 2 “Allegro Vivace”

In 1962 Warsaw, a journalist’s marriage is in serious crisis. Its break-up is inevitable. The private tragedy is set against the backdrop of the Cuban Missile Crisis. While the world finds itself on the verge of a nuclear war, the main characters are more concerned with their personal affairs than the global threat.

Short Story 3 “...Ad Libitum

Car mechanic Henio is trying to buy a new car, but is short of money. He is approached by a man who wants to smuggle a historical treasure dear to the heart of every Varsovian to the West. The mechanic rejects the tempting offer and forces the thief to return the stolen item.


Henryk Kluba
Jerzy Pomianowski
Tadeusz Wieżan
Jarosław Świtoniak
Mirosława Garlicka-Jaworska
Zygmunt Konieczny
Part I- Witold Dębicki, Lech Łotocki,
Andrzej Nardelli, Maria Kozierska
Part II- Karol Chodura, Zofia Kucówna,
Monika Dzienisiewicz
Part III- Mieczysław Czechowicz,
Wiesław Michnikowski, Alicja Chmielewska-Kluba
Materials: SD
Length: 79’
