The Scatterbain of St Cross Mountains

(Sowizdrzał Świętokrzyski)

1980   >   comedy

A fantasy story of Jan Kolasa a village jester full of hearty, rustic humor.

A freshly appointed preacher named Giemza travels to his manse in the Ociesęki village. He stops at Kolasa’s farm on the way. After an ample meal he fall asleep and Kolasa puts on his cassock and ventures to take over the parish. During the first mass he declares that church land shall be given to the poor. This causes great disturbance. When Giemza reaches the manse in his peasants dress Kolasa forces him to play the role of a vicar. Kolasa parts with a young landlady Natalia for a wedding reception. The boisterous party comes to an end because of a laxative added to the cabbage stew by a rejected suitor. A ranger met at the wedding named Puzyna invites Kolasa to a hunt. Once there a charging wild boar carries him directly under a Benedictine monastery in the Holy Cross Province. After a good supper the Bishop Polkoń invites Kolasa to St. Katherine’s Convent. During a dance the fake pries and Sister Brygida start to feel sympathy to each other. After returning to his manse Kolasa sends a dog for Brygida and he carries her on his back directly to the manse. Brygida decides to return to her father but Natalia shows her affection to Kolasa. After indulgence celebrations Kolasa leaves the manse. 


Henryk Kluba
Józef Ozga Michalski, Henryk Kluba
Wiesław Zdort
Bolesław Kamykowski
Halina Nawrocka
Piotr Marczewski
Olgierd Łukaszewicz
Beata Tyszkiewicz
Elżbieta Czaplińska
Tadeusz Bartosik
Edward Rączkowski
Krzysztof Kalczyński
Leszek Piskorz
Monika Dzienisiewicz-Olbrychska
Irena Orska
Jerzy Nowak
Michał Leśniak
Materials: SD
Length: 97’