Nikodem Dyzma

(Nikodem Dyzma)

1956   >   comedy

Satirical drama based on Tadeusza Dołęga-Mostowicz’s novel, depicting corruption, blackmail, naivety and belief in a „strong man” from the political scene of inter-war Poland.  A warped yet familiar dolce vita that becomes the fate of a brash, uneducated provincial social climber that advances thank to his wit and bravado gaining full support of the country’s political and cultural elite. It is also an analysis of the decadence and  decomposition of the Sanation’s nobility circles, cyvil servants and rich land owners.

Nikodem Dyzma arrives to the capital, unemployed, homeless, dreaming of the position of taxi-dancer at a night club. He is counting on his frock coat – his only possession. His effort results in failure. Dyzma is on the street again and his luck changes. He finds and invitation to an official reception and decides to give it back – counting on a small financial reward. With his frock coat he is welcomed as an important guest. Thanks to his cockiness he makes an impression on the other guests and becomes a star amongst the society. Favorable coincidences, charades and his heavy hand let him obtain powerful contacts that result in greater and greater fortune. He begins an affair with Nina, his employers wife. He introduces the idea of intervention purchases of wheat a concept he learns of by eaves dropping. He accepts the post of the President of the National Wheat Bank. Recognized in a photograph by his former boss he is blackmailed and orders the murder of the inconvenient witness. The man is killed and Dyzma triumphs. The situation in the country worsens. Dyzma receives a proposal to create the new government. 


Jan Rybkowski
Ludwik Starski
Władysław Forbert
Anatol Radzinowicz
Czesław Raniszewski
Jerzy Harald
Adolf Dymsza, Urszula Modrzyńska,
Tadeusz Gwiazdowski, Kazimierz Fabisiak,
Ewa Krasnodębska, Lech Madaliński
Materials: SD
Length: 107’

