I Won't Love You

(Nie będę cię kochać)

1974   >   psychological film for children (teenagers)

Another picture of this film director touching upon the incredible sensitivity of a child growing up, which shows how failing to take a child’s feelings seriously and adults’ mistakes have tragic consequences.

A 13-year-old Ania lives in a small village where everybody knows one another. Her father, just like other children’s fathers, drinks too much alcohol. Children are often send to fetch more alcohol. The character feels ashamed and humiliated. She dreams of a father who’d be a role model, a mentor and who’d explain the world to her. Her parents don’t seem to understand her needs. Nevertheless, Ania’s mother, who has learnt to put up with her life, thinks that maybe her daughter will have a better life. This situation causes Ania’s poor results at school. Only her friend from school – Rysiek knows the real source of her problems. When Ania finds her father drunk in a ditch, she decides to never bring him alcohol again and keeps her word. After another episode of her father’s binge drinking the girl runs away with Rysiek to the forest. They meet her father on the way back and quarrel. The father slaps Ania with all his force across her face. In despair, the shocked girl runs towards a lake where she starts drowning. 


Janusz Nasfeter
Janusz Nasfeter, Teresa Nasfeter
Krzysztof Winiewicz
Tadeusz Myszorek
Jóżef Bartczak
Józef Bartczak
Andrzej Korzyński
Grażyna Michalska, Henryk Dobosz,
Tadeusz Janczar, Bogdan Izdebski,
Bożena Fedorczyk, Krzysztof Sierocki


PFFF, Gdynia
Audience Award (Janusz Nasfeter)
Materials: SD
Length: 81’
