Modern Story

(Historia współczesna)

1961   >   drama

Based on a true story, this social drama warns against tragic consequences of drinking an illegally acquired alcohol. It also shows how a seemingly trivial negligence at work may have disastrous impact on others. Once put in motion, the avalanche of dramatic events cannot be stopped. All there is left to do is to minimize the number of potential victims. 

Biesiada, who is a car mechanic, offers his colleague a motorcycle ride in a bid to impress her. Unfortunately, he does not have the money to pay for the fuel.  He sees an opportunity in a leaking valve in a cistern of methyl alcohol. He steals a couple of liters of the poisonous substance and hides them in a warehouse. His colleagues Wiśniewski and Bielas come across the hidden methanol by accident. They believe it to be regular alcohol and decide to sell it. This is how the poison makes its way to an inn, a wedding and a house of an elderly couple.  Its reach increases with each passing hour. Biesiada realizes that the poison was stolen and reports it to his superiors. Police is notified immediately. Following a rapid investigation,  identities of potential victims are determined. Sadly, the rescue comes too late for some of them.  Torn by conscience, Bielas runs away from home. He drinks the poisonous alcohol and hides himself under a bridge so that his wife and police cannot find him. He dies in his hiding place. 


Wanda Jakubowska
Jerzy Stefan Stawiński
Kazimierz Wawrzyniak
Bolesław Kamykowski
Lidia Pstrońska, Aurelia Rut
Adam Walaciński
Tadeusz Bartosik, Kazimierz Fabisiak,
Aleksander Fogiel, Jan Koecher,
Krystyna Kołodziejczyk, Anna Lutosławska
Materials: SD
Length: 91’