Story of One Fighter

(Historia jednego myśliwca)

1958   >   war/ historical/ drama

The screenplay was co-written by Stanisław Skalski, the legendary Polish ace fighter pilot.

Authentic archival RAF footage from the London Imperial War Museum was used for aerial battle scenes. They fit perfectly into the composition together with scenes filmed by Karol Chodura.

The movie tells the tale of a Polish fighter pilot who chose to fight in the RAF despite having a chance to lead a peaceful life.

Stefan, a pilot from 306 Division, meets the attractive Angelica Margaret Hill. They become attracted to each other and fall in love. During their relationship the Pole is shot down twice. The first time he is able to swim to a rescue buoy, the second time he is saved by members of the French Resistance. Margaret tries to convince her lover to take on the safe job of an instructor, but the man can’t give up fighting, especially when his friends are dying. Stefan’s next flight turns out to be his last…

Production was only possible thanks to political developments in 1956. Stefan Skalski was among prisoners freed following the Polish October - he was arrested in 1947 after his return to Poland, when he was accused of espionage and sentenced to death, later changed to a life in prison.

Converted and repainted Yak 9’s “played” spitfires in this movie.


Hubert Drapella
Stanisław Skalski, Hubert Drapella, Jacek Wejroch
Karol Chodura
Jerzy Skrzepiński
Tatiana Manżett
Halina Nawrocka, Iza Drapella
Andrzej Markowski
Bogusz Bilewski, Krystyna Iwaszkiewicz,
Danuta Nagórna, Jan Machulski,
Kazimierz Dejunowicz, Kazimierz Fabisiak
Materials: SD
Length: 78’

